Wednesday 2 March 2016

Global Warming Statistics 10.20.2012

This chart talk about Americans and their beliefs of Global Warming .It shows that about 70% of them believes it real matter ,and 12% believes it`s not happening.Americans who say they are "some how"or"very worried" about global warming are 58%.In taking about if global warming caused by human activity 54% believes global warming is caused mostly by human activities ,but the scientists believe the percent is 90,while of all carbon dioxide that is emitted by man sources.A 76% of Americans who say they trust climate scientists as a source of information about global warming is good . 

Annual Greenhouse Emissions By sector

The graph indicates that power stations the highest factor of the Annual Green house Emission with 21.3%. Industrial processes follows with 16.8% and transportation fuels record 14.0%. Next is Agriculture byproducts 12.5%,and Fossil fuel retrieval ,processing and distribution 11.3%.Other sector like residential ,commercial and other resources record 10.3%. Land use and biomass record 10.0%.Last is waste disposable and treatment with 4.3%.   

Friday 26 February 2016

Production graphs

4-Production dropped considerably it the first two quarters and 20 was the lowest point before it started to rise .

8-Production slightly grew

9-over the first three quarters production grew rapidly to reach the peak then it shows quick drop.
10-production rapidly grown in the quarter to reach the 70 and keep stable .

11-slowly and steadily was the dropping of the production over the year .

12.production remain steady in the first two quarters the dropped in the third and at level of 20 flattened out.

13-in the first three quarters production has a considerable fall and bottom out at 20.after that it started to recovery.